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Bryce Neier
Bryce Neier

Firm Overview

Providing Skilled Representation For Over 30 Years

At The Law Office of Bryce D. Neier, PLLC, we provide experienced legal representation to individuals throughout the Fayetteville, North Carolina, area.

In my practice, I have concentrated in family law and civil litigation since 1992. I recognize the need for skilled trial lawyers to provide aggressive representation in matters involving civil rights litigation, federal civil litigation and appellate work. Involvement in any type of litigation can be extremely stressful and why I make the following commitments to each client:

Because dealing with legal matters creates a lot of stress, I have some basic commitments I make to each of my clients.

  • When I take your case, I am your lawyer, dedicated to ensuring you receive a fair and impartial hearing in court.
  • I will explain my fees up front, and I will never accept payment from a client who does not understand and accept my fee structure.
  • I always consider your long-term interests when working to resolve your legal issues.
  • I provide each client with direct and truthful information about his or her case, whether it involves a divorce, criminal defense or an appeal.

Our Military History

Our firm has a deep connection with military personnel. As a former United States Army Captain stationed overseas for over five years, I have a unique understanding of the family law problems affecting military personnel. I have represented many active-duty personnel stationed at Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base in divorce and other family law matters. I am one of the few attorneys in this area who understands the rules established by the Hague Convention regarding international child custody and international child support law.

I see the stress associated with divorce cases. I realize that, whenever possible, especially when children are involved, it is important to resolve these cases out of court. However, as a skilled trial lawyer, I will aggressively fight to protect my client’s interests in court if necessary. In my experience, divorce settlements that don’t take the best interests of all the parties into account inevitably lead to a return to court down the road.

Contact The Law Office Of Bryce D. Neier, PLLC

If you need an attorney to handle a family law, criminal law, administrative law, or any federal or state civil litigation matter, please contact our firm. We can be reached by phone at 910-423-5000 or via email.


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