Bryce Neier
Bryce Neier

Welcome to The Law Office of Bryce D. Neier, PLLC

You can continue to be a doormat and suffer or choose the path to freedom. There are 1.3 million active lawyers in the U.S. There are not 1.3 million competent lawyers.

Why choose us?

Simple: We cut through the [-fill in the blank-] and don’t [-fill in the blank-] around. The End

Escape the Legal Matrix

In the legal world there is a combination fo forces that feed a corrupt and suffocating legal landscape for attorneys.

Law schools, law professors, judges and even the firms themselves for whom you work create system, the matrix if you will, that is nothing like what you thought when you passed the bar exam.

The purpose of this podcast is to help you escape this legal matrix. Leading you out of the proverbial desert to be free the bondage of the matrix.

Hosted by Bryce D. Neier, attorney at law, with over 30 years of experience in the trenches of civil and criminal litigation at the state, federal and international levels.

He's a highly accomplished and resourceful legal professional, a true master of his craft.

And he’s here to help you get your life back.

Resolving Disputes With Favorable Results

Resolving Family Legal Issues

Divorce sucks. Period. There is nothing nice about it. It’s war. Total all out war. It won’t go away. It’s painful. You must be willing to go through the process to be free and embrace the pain. There is no short cut. As your lawyer, I know how to get you to the land of freedom from the land of bondage, which is where you are right now. It does not have to stay that way. But you must embrace the “suck”. Period.

Preserving Your Rights And Your Freedom

Preserving Your Rights And Your Freedom

The world is a dumpster fire. The Legal Matrix of bullshit, insanity, two-tiered justice is crushing people at an all-time high. Covid should have taught you that when they persecuted those who turned out to be right about the corruption of governments and corporations. The Legal Matrix does not care about you. They will crush you too by “lawfare” unless you get legally battle ready. It’s an ugly business. But so is you losing your freedom to Orwellian legal systems. It’s time to claim real justice, for you. Stop living in fear. We have the cajónes to war against The Legal Matrix.

Providing International Legal Services

Legal Disputes and Litigation

I have over 32 years of litigation and appellate experience in state, federal and international arenas. I wasn’t just sitting around binge watching Netflix nor listening to 70s Love Songs. I was out there at war battling for my clients. You can define success as you wish. But I will hold my record of war and battling for my clients against anyone out there. The “law” is complex, and it’s not like TV or movies. It’s a real ugly beast, much like your opposing party. And it is a Legal Matrix. Learn that term now, and understand it. We’ve been around the block many times in this game. You don’t know the game like we do. Don’t make the costly mistake of thinking you do. Hire us, and you will see the difference. See how we war against The Legal Matrix.

Your Legal Lifeline

Contact me now and Stop the Pain!

It's Your Choice, continue to be a doormat and suffer or choose the path to the possibilities of freedom. I aggressively pursue the best possible solutions to my client's issues. You will receive my maximum effort to end your problems.

Our Military History

Our firm has a long history of representing military service members. I am a former United States Army Captain serving five straight years overseas in a variety of positions ( platoon leader, executive officer commander, battalion adjutant, NATO War Planner and NATO Intelligence, Materiel Officer) . My father, Richard E. Neier, served as a Lieutenant in World War II, fighting across France, Belgium and Germany before being severely wounded in combat and was medically retired as a Captain. My son joined the NC Army National Guard at age 17 while a senior in high school (November 2018) and was commissioned in May of 2023 as an active duty Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Infantry. I am committed to serving military personnel and their families stationed at Fort Bragg, Pope Air Force Base, and overseas. No client left behind is our motto.

Meet Our Firm’s Mascot

Our family includes a loveable hound. Who doesn’t love seeing a face that’s always happy to see you? Drake keeps us grounded, active and at the ready with the lint brush. While we will always try and save you thousands of dollars in attorney fees and costs, we cannot guarantee that we can save your food from Drake.

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